I received a 2 week supply of breads, bagels, granola, Zone bars, cookies and more including daily vitamin packets. I was able to plan out my two weeks and add in the healthy foods I was already eating along with the Zone Diet foods I substituted for the bread products we normally eat and the zone bars and cookies for snack time. And I enjoyed it! I didn't like the pretzels much but that was about the only thing I didn't enjoy.
I made sandwiches, pasta dishes, and even used the granola in my morning yogurt for an added crunch. I followed the diet plan they provided on their website and with the food materials and regularly went to the gym as normal. And the results? I lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks! How awesome is that? Now before the Zone Diet I was losing an average of 1.5lbs a week with the help of tracking, working out and drinking lots of water. The recommended weight loss range is between .5 and 2 pounds a week so moving from losing 1-1.5 pounds a week to losing 2 pounds each week on the Zone Diet was not only awesome, it was a healthy weight loss as well.
Now I've started up my 12 week challenge (we're in the midst of week two right now) and will be joining another 6-week challenge at the gym next week. So my success can continue. How awesome is that? A plan, success and goals. It doesn't get better than that when it comes to weight loss.
Where To Buy
Giveaway Information
The Zone Diet has offered to give three lucky readers a 2 week supply of the ZoneFast WeightLoss program!! That's a retail value of $179.00! Simply enter the rafflecopter form below for your chance to win! The only restrictions are that you have to be a first-time winner of a ZoneFast program and you have to be 18 or older in the US. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received a 2 week supply of the ZoneFast program for review purposes. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

58 comment(s) with love:
I was not at all familiar with this diet. It looks pretty good.
I've never heard of this diet before. Thanks for the info and giveaway. Bread is definitely a weakness of mine!
Thanks for the chance to win! Melissa L Charmedone86@gmail.com
To be more healthy, I am trying to eat more fruit.
Danielle S
royalegacy at gmail dot com
I would like to try the granola
Jeni Mitchell
I am trying to not eat fast-food. So far I'm 20 days without and that is the longest ever for me. :)
I'm really excited about the bread. For some reason I'm craving bread right now. The granola sounds good too.
I'm trying to cut out soda in my diet.
I want to try the cookies. :)
I am eating more colors - blueberries, raspberries, etc.
I'm exercising at least 3 times a week. I did not see a place to leave my name and email on the first form: Jill Hayes jh289 (at) hotmail (dot) com
No idea why I'm not seeing it so I'm leaving it here.
I'm most excited to try the pasta
Its looks so fabulous and I think its going to have a great diet plan. Great and keep sharing
That cookie looks delish! I think I'd like that the best! :)
granolas looks yummy
amramazon280 at yahoo dot com
indoor cycling
I am eating healthier.
tarter95 at hotmail dot com
I am excited about the snack bars.
tarter95 at hotmail dot com
Exercise more and eat better
The cookie - I always need a little snack - this would be great
I think the Healthy Wheat Roll looks good. I'm glad I can still eat bread on this diet.
This year I'm trying to walk to my destination so I get in better shape. Thanks!
Lorayne Gothard
I am eating healthier by giving up my sugar during the week and trying to keep it to one day. I eat berries instead.
I think the zone bars are the ones I want to try most because I have never had them. I am excited about all the products!!
I stopped anything I didn't prepare myself. Everything is baked or boiled and the portion is very small
The "granola" looks good
Exercising more; eating less
The granola!
I'm on my way to losing 15 pounds!
I like the looks of the pasta!
polly keintz
i'm trying to stay away from the sweets to get healthier
Trying to watch what I eat this year.
I would like to try the chocolate chunk cookies.
Tiffany Lane
Walking at lunch
I'm packing my own lunch and making myself eat only what I pack, to avoid being tempted by the yummy cheap, but high fat/calorie food served in our cafeteria! Thanks for the giveaway!! :)
I'm most excited to try the cookies! :)
Eating less at each meal.
I will be exercising more and drinking water instead of coffee and soda. (Corey Olomon)(olomon@hotmail.com)
I'm excited to try the healthier bread. (Corey Olomon)(olomon@hotmail.com)
The bread looks good!
For 2012, I am following the Zone Diet. It really works for me if I stick to it! I would really like to win this giveaway.
Where are we to enter our name and email If it is here my info is Kimberly Attridge, kamarkim@gmail.com
I'm trying to exercise more
I would like to try the granola
drink more water, less soda
i exercise daily and eat healthier
excited about the zone bars
I'm dieting and I want to start running this year.
The bagels! I am a bread girl and miss breads when dieting. Thanks!
We eat lots of bread so I'd like to try the healthier bread first
rebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com
I'm trying to eat at home more and out less
rebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com
As of this date, I'm trying to get over pneumonia to try to get healthy.
The granola is looking mighty tasty :)
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