I have not been nominated for a blogging award for quite some time. In fact the last time I was I had no kids! So when I looked at my blog roll and saw a new post from my friend Melissa over at My PB&J and hopped over to read it I was excited to see that she gave me the Versatile Blogger Award! On top of that I learned a few new things about her. Bowling MNO anyone?
If you haven't checked out Melissa's blog (or her etsy store) yet it's a must. For one she's the most talented bow designer I've ever met. I had to build a bow holder to house all of the gorgeous bows I've purchased from her. And for two... she's a baking queen! Seriously. I crave her cupcakes. That woman is talented! Plus she has the two most adorable kids ever!
And I guess I am a pretty versatile blogger... I can't seem to keep a theme going to this blog even if I tried. I guess it falls under the "life" category. And I'm ok with that.
Along with this award comes the fact that I have to share seven things about me to you, my readers. So here goes!
1. Because I received this award from Melissa I thought I'd share the fact that the number one referring source to this blog is Melissa's blog, My PB&J.
2. I love to plan parties and events. But I could never do it for a living.
3. I've seriously considered becoming a doula. And a lactation consultant. But I haven't made the jump yet.
4. I'm reorganizing my life right now. Home, finances, health, priorities, etc. Everything's getting a face lift!
5. I love trying new recipes. And when I get the time I like to blog about them on my cooking blog.
6. I miss having close friends.
7. I love to craft and would LOVE it if I had the room to do so. I have so many crafting items that need a proper home so I can remember everything I own. I also really really want to learn how to use the serger my step grandmother handed down to me.
And now it's time for me to award a few Versatile Bloggers! Let's hope they see this post :)
1. Jessica of And Then There Were Four... (now changing to And Then There Were More since there's a bun in the oven!!)
2. Alanna of The Vanilla Bean (I know she hasn't blogged in a bit)
3. Jenn of Its Good, Its Bad, Its Ugly (love her writing and her little family!)
Now go show these awesome bloggers some love!

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