
Tot School - Week 4

Tot School

This week’s Letter: Dd

This week’s Object: Ducks

This week’s Color: Brown

This Week’s Vocabulary Development Theme: Birds

This week we'll learn all about the letter D, the color brown and one of Ethan's favorites... birds! Did you know one of his first signs and first words was duck? I am hoping to head on over to Lake Murray this week for a nice walk around the lake. We will be able to see lots of ducks, brown tree trunks and sticks and lots and lots of brown dirt! Or mud if the water from the rain we've had the past two days is still around. I'm also thinking of making some mud pies with him in the front yard. We can practice tracing D's in the mud with sticks.

I am also going to start working with Molly as I work with Ethan. She's starting to show more of an interest in what we're doing. I'll begin by finding signs that correspond with our lesson plan for the week and will also work on pointing out objects to her while signing and saying what the object is. She's pretty good at telling us what she wants and is getting more and more verbal so I'm sure she'll enjoy being more involved.

Week 3 Recap: 
This past week was quite fun. We visited the zoo and learned all about wild animals and domestic animals. We saw a pair of baby tigers and were able to talk about cats a bit after we saw them. Ethan tried to convince me that a monkey would make a great pet but I reassured him that it would be a LOT of work to keep a monkey. We were also able to talk a lot about all of the green plants everywhere. We took a walk in our neighborhood and Ethan pointed out all of the green objects he saw. He also pointed out the wild birds and domestic pets as well (cats, dogs, and bunnies!).

If you're interested in starting tot school at home (or just checking out the fun activities) head on over to 1+1+1=1's blog where she has plenty of tutorials and printables available for each lesson plan. She also links up other blogs who are participating in tot school as well! 

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