Miscarriage and Pregnancy Loss Awareness Day

I am 1 in 4.

I was only knowingly pregnant for 4 weeks with my first pregnancy but still remember every day just how attached  I was to the little baby growing inside of me. I thank God every day that I was blessed with two beautiful children and while I wouldn't change a thing I always wonder what if? What if I didn't miscarry? What would my life be like? What would be different? And how crazy would it be to have a 3 1/2 year old?

If you are 1 in 4, or know someone who is, and would like to learn more about Miscarriage and Pregnancy Loss Awareness day check out October15th.com. I will never forget the little one who grew inside of me for a short time. The hopes and dreams that came with that little plus sign will never be forgotten.

Light a candle at 7pm, tonight and join us all in remembrance of those gone too soon.

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