I think I've carried around a diaper bag for the past three years now. And luckily my bag has only gotten lighter as I have come to realize that carrying every gosh darn thing we might need around just didn't have to happen. There are five essentials that I now make sure i have with me at all times. Diapers, wipes, butt cream/balm, a changing mat and hand sanitizer. Everything else I can either leave in my car or leave at home. Every once in a while I'll throw in a change of clothes but I haven't had to change my kids clothes while we were out since they were either newborns or potty training.
Now you are probably wondering what in the heck do diaper bag essentials have to do with Halloween? Nothing, silly! But since Halloween is a holiday (and one of my favorites) I figured that presents to go along with the holiday would be amazing. I was given the opportunity to review three amazing diaper bag essentials recently and I was excited to find out that I could share each of them them with one lucky reader!
So hurry up and enter for your chance to win this awesome Diaper Bag Essentials package that includes an itti bitti change mat, Earth Mama Angel Baby angel bottom balm and Prefense hand sanitizer (ARV $34)! And when you're done entering this giveaway check out the linky below to enter more blog giveaways all in celebration of Halloween! Each blog will be hosting a giveaway valued at $25 or more.
If you don't see the Rafflecopter prompt below simply leave a comment on this post with your email and your answer to the following question - What do you consider essential in your diaper bag?
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65 comment(s) with love:
WIPES! Wipes, wipes, wipes! For dirty bottoms, to dirty hands, to just well about anything. WIPES!! (-eleacraig@gmail.com)
I always carry hand sanitizer in my purse when I go places. Especially with Flu season nearly here.
Wipes and a change of clothes
Hand sanitizer
snacks, wipes, clothes and diapers
My essentials include a few diapers, wipes, a wet bag and a spare outfit!
A diaper, some wipes, chapstick and hand cream!
extra outfit, diapers and wipes are my essentials..
I carry extra pair of clothes and diapers. Also i always have snacks :)
Always make sure sure I have snacks
klsiegler at gmail dot com
I always carry a few diapers, cloth wipes, a changing pad and a change of clothes(or two)
Jessi Greenmamajama
I carry a changing pad, a few diapers, a sample of CJ's BUTTer, and a couple of wipes!
In addition to the normal diaper bag stuff I always carry a couple if plastic baggies or wet bags for unexpected messes
Wipes, Diapers, and change of clothes
diapers, diapers, diapers!
Diapers, lots of wipes, change of clothes, and a snack for long days out!!
Wipes, diapers, and snacks!
Diapers, Wipes, extra clothes, water sippy cup, and lots of snacks!
I always carry a pen and notepad to write reminders for myself!
tannis_z at excite dot com
wipes and diapers
Chapstick, hand sanitizer, diapers, and snacks!
Wet bag, wipes, extra underwear and pants for 2 year old, diapers for baby. Water bottles.
hnnhhyr at gmail dot com
blanket to change baby on and lip balm for me :)
nothing yet but due in 2 1/2 weeks
We cloth diaper, so my essentials are a wet bag, wipes, and burp cloths!
My "must-haves" as a cloth diapering mom include wet bag, a few extra diaps, WIPES! a white-noise maker, change of clothes a bottle and some snacks
My diaper bag essentials: diapers, wipes, nursing cover, burp rag, toy, extra onesie, cell, wallet
--Martha B
I am still expecting so I don't have a good answer here! But it's good to read through all the tips...
WIPES, 2 diapers, change of clothes, Sophie the Giraffe and hand sanitizer!
I always have the five essentials you listed along with my chapstick, wallet, keys, and cell phone.
wipes, extra dipes, hand sanitizer, tissues, Cheerios/Mish Mash, vaseline, baby socks, baby hat, rattle
Hmm.. My diaper bag musts are wipes, diapers, a few extra toys, binky, lots and lots of wipes and hand sanitizer.. I have a full bag! :)
Diapers, wipes, wet bag, sippy cups with water, changing pad
Diaper bag essentials:
- cloth diapers
- wetbag
- wipes
- change pad
- hand sanitizer
- change of clothes
- toy/teether
- Receiving blanket
diapers, wipes. wallet, sunglasses, change of clothes, sun hat, and sunsceen
Few cloth diapers, cloth wipes, a wet bag, changing pad, water bottle and a spare outfit!
wipes and diapers.
SNACKS! I'm usually around other mamas whom I can steal a diaper or wipe from.. but snacks are hard to come by when you don't feed your kids processed crap.
I would have cloth diapers, wipes and snacks
Cloth diapers, water, cloth wipes, aden and anais blanket, pacifiers, burp cloths, extra onesie, and a bottle of milk if needed!
wipes and a wetbag! also an emergency toy :)
Pacifier, diaper, wipes, bottle and change of clothes
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I like to be prepared even if it means carrying a little bit more. I have to regularly clean it out though, to make sure I'm not carrying around things that aren't essential.
What makes the list?
-Aden and Anais muslin blanket (multi-use, lightweight, perfect as nursing cover, and it is Elodie's security blanket)
-gdiapers, wetbag, wipes, changing mat
-Paci wipes
-A snack for Elodie
-Her toothbrush and other tiny toys
-Hand sanitizer
-Extra onesie, pjs, jacket, socks, bib
-Stuff for Mommy- ibuprofen, pads, breastpads, hair tie, in a little zip bag
-Wallet and keys
hand sanitizer
A change of clothes is essential!
My essentials are at least 3 diapers, my wet bag, and cloth wipes and solution. I also tuck a few extra nursing pads in.
Diaper bag essentials...
wet bag
extra diapes
graham crackers
A small wetbag is a must for carrying soiled cloth diapers, hand sanitizer for on the go changes, extra flat diapers for messes, and a spare change of clothes for baby.
Diapers, wipes, extra clothes, burp cloth, nursing cover, hand sanitizer, and a changing pad.
Hand sanitizer, wipes, and snacks.
Snacks, wipes, diapers, cell phone.
Wipes, diapers, hand sanitizer, small wet bag, sunscreen, Tylenol and band-aides. The last two things are for me. I'm accident prone. :D
A few AIOs, a wetbag, wipes and a change of clothes.
We always have to have some small "quiet" toys for the big boys.
I have an extra pair of socks and hand sanitizer.
I never leave the house without diapers and wipes.
jofo120 at yahoo dot com
My essentials are cloth diapers and hand sanitizer. And extra pacifiers!
Lots of babywipes! Use them to wipe down everything, not just the baby!
Tissues, sanitizer, Tums, band-aids.
rescue salve, wipes, kleenex
Thanks for the contest.
back up change of clothes for the surprise blow out that always happens when you least expect it ; ) happened when we were going to get photos done - be prepared mamas!
I felt like I left w the entire house. Clothes, and wipes were the essentials. Thank you
an extra onsie!
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