New Fridge!

When Joseph moved into the house the fridge that was here was an OLD fridge. One that was on it's last leg and probably would have cost more to keep running than to have hauled away. So his aunt graciously offered up her old fridge when she bought a new one. That fridge has been awesome. It's about 20 or so years old and has worked great... up until last week. When I opened the door to get something out and something happened.

I didn't let go of the door because I thought if I did it'd fall off and condiments would go flying everywhere. I yelled for Joseph and he quickly ran over to discover that the door came off the hinge. After that the door never shut and sealed properly again. So we made the plunge and went to Sears Outlet in search of good deal.

We weren't quite ready to buy and wanted to get an idea on prices but once we saw this fridge we couldn't pass it up. It had all of the features we wanted and more. We loved that it was big and would fit perfectly into our refrigerator "hole" and that it looked like it could store many things. Since we entertain (no matter how big or small the crowd) at least every other month we needed something with room for prepped food. Our old fridge definitely didn't have that. And the best thing... it's an Energy Star fridge so it's using less energy than our old fridge. Definitely a cost savings and an environmental score.

And with a deep freezer in the garage we loved the idea of a freezer on the bottom. More room in the fridge and easier access to everything. So we took the plunge and bought it. It's being delivered tomorrow :) And no, we didn't pay the listed price on the Sears website... Try a little over 1/2 that price. And only $65 to deliver! We'll get $50 back from SDG&E when they come to take the old refridgerator and our fridge qualifies for a rebate back from the state of California. So really we got the fridge for less than half of what it's original price is.

I think this fridge will just complete the kitchen remodel. Now all of our appliances look semi-new. Now if only that dishwasher would keep working for just a bit longer... I guess Joseph can rebuild the motor again if needed...

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