1st Trip to Disneyland

For my birthday this year we knew we had to make it to Disneyland to cash in on a great promo they are doing in 2009. Everyone gets in in their birthday for free! Isn't that awesome?

Well that's not the best part. Since Joseph and I have annual passes and can get in any day we got an extra special present... annual pass holders get their choice of a fun card in the amount of a day's admission ($69), a super fast pass or some other things Disney cooked up.

So we decided that even though Ethan is only a month old we were going to make the trek up there to cash in on my birthday.

It was a nice, lazy day spent on Main Street and in the shops. We even stopped and got me ice cream... yum! Ethan was great. When he wasn't sleeping or eating he was taking in the sites quietly. He was very alert for the tram ride...

He fell asleep when we went through Adventure Land on our way to Pooh Corner (no outfits cute enough to spend $30-40 on).

And fell asleep again as we were going home.

This lasted until about Oceanside when traffic hit and Ethan got hungry. He fussed but wasn't in full blown tears until the 5/805 split. That's when he really let us have it! We had to pull off at UTC to feed and change him.

We were already so late because of traffic that we didn't have time to go home before my birthday dinner out with the family so we headed straight to the restaurant after he was changed and I finished feeding him as I ate :) Oh the joys of motherhood and one-handed eating. All in all it was an enjoyable day and I can't wait to go back for Joseph's birthday... in 2 weeks!

1 comment(s) with love:

Miranda said... Reply To This Comment

A lifetime of Disney-love begins! Miss you guys <3