Failing Miserably at Weight Loss? Or Just Plain Unmotivated?

So I've been on my Weight Loss Challenge for 3 months now. And never in my life have I failed at weight loss when I really put my mind to it. So the fact that I haven't weighed in (or posted) and recorded my weight says one of two things; I'm finally failing at weight loss OR I'm unmotivated.

And sadly, I think it's the later.

I choose carbs over veggies, eating out over making meals, and letting my husband decide where an what we eat. Totally bad combos that have lead me to fear stepping on the scale since the Monday after BlogHer.

You see, when I got back from BlogHer life was hard. Not only had I been away for 4 days, I also had a LOT to do and catch up with. So all plans of "eating healthy and getting back on track after BlogHer" were gone.

In NYC feeling fabulous

What sucks is that I really didn't do too bad at BlogHer. With all of the walking I did I actually only gained 1.5lbs while away.

So why am I writing this? Well... I've gained my motivation back. I'm picking back up, getting on that horse, and riding towards success (how corny is that?).

How am I going to do it? With more fitness/health buddies! I'm going to commit myself to one gym day with my friend Janelle, will make Mariah hold me accountable (as well as hold her accountable) for moving my butt and making healthy choices, AND by not slacking on updating my dear readers.

And with the help of the tools I already have on board including my Weight Watchers membership, the FitBit, my Precise Portions dinnerware, Shakeology, and my new, beautiful Joovy Zoom 360 (review to come!!) I am turning corners and WILL get this disgusting 45 pounds off.

The new Joovy 360 ready for a spin

And as scary as it is, I'll be stepping on the scale this Friday to see what the damage is. And if I have more than 45 pounds to lose now.

Today is a new day. My breakfast is tracked, I went on a 20-minute run (which was probably quite entertaining for anyone who saw me), and I have plans for the gym on Wednesday. I am motivated. I will make time. I will be healthy for me.

If you want to join me (and remember... it's not just about weight loss, it's about getting healthy and being happy with your body) feel free to join in and link up to my monthly Weight Loss Challenge post on the first of every month.

Email me at simmworksfamily(at) if you also want to participate in the monthly WLC giveaways! And check out this month's giveaway here for an Ozeri scale and Meet Me at the Dinner Table meal planner. 

13 comment(s) with love:

JanetGoingCrazy said... Reply To This Comment

Awesome, Lady!! I'm getting back on track, but I have to decide what is going to work for me. I'm thinking that spending my lunch hour at a Twitter party and eating Snickers Minis was probably not a good start. :(

East9thStreet said... Reply To This Comment

One step at a time, one day at a time! You'll get there, I have no doubts about that.

julie said... Reply To This Comment

you can do it, Danielle!!! Mind before matter. Clean out the junk, stock up on fresh yummy fruits/veggies and just DO it. Exercise is good but diet is 80%! I'll join you for the weight loss journey in March ;)


Trainwreck said... Reply To This Comment

You can do it! I'm just getting back on track after summer...not with weight loss but just life in general! LOL! Dedication and motivation is all that's needed! :D

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Keep that motivation up! Good job regaining your focus! one step in front of the other and it will happen. I'm nervous for my wedding anniversary this weekend because I KNOW I won't be doing much "good" eating, but hopefully if I stay on track all week long the damage won't be very extensive.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

You can do it!

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

You go girl! You can totally do it! I need to get better in shape and kept putting it off. Last week, I bought a new exercise DVD (it's so hard to go running or walking with 4 kids trailing behind!) and started using it. We can do this!

ashleigh walls said... Reply To This Comment

I have a Fitbit too! I hope you get back on track soon and motivated :)

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Okay. I'm going to be honest here and please don't take it the wrong way because I want nothing more than for you to lose the weight. You are very motivated and we're actually a lot alike in terms of eating. Since I have been your friend for awhile I can see where you stray. You need to motivate your other half, it's simply that. If he isn't on board it makes it harder. I think if you could stick to the 17dd you could do it. I am horrible and have major cravings and I lost 25 pounds. Sure, I have ten more to go but I got to a goal and I know you will get to your goal as well.. If Jim wasn't there supporting me and slapping the carbs away from my face I would have never done it. If you want I can share my little secrets for the 17dd, at that includes eating out because like your other half I love me some Chick-fil-a and I ate it practically three times a week. You WILL do it, Dani.

Tiffany C. said... Reply To This Comment

Nothing like an amazing new jogging stroller to help get you motivated. I need to do the same, it's so easy to become unmotivated. I need to continue jogging, I love it but just haven't wanted to get outside lately. Maybe it's the heat? Good luck on your weight loss journey.

Jen + Jeff said... Reply To This Comment

So proud of you for making plans to go to the gym today! We should pick a day each week where you come down to the bay (cooler weather/better scenery) and we can jog then chill at the park. Maybe Mondays? E is in school, right? And I have a standing date with the park every Monday already.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

YES! That sounds perfect. I drop him off at 8:30 so we could head out after that on Mondays and meet you at the park? That way I can have a place to stow the car.

Adam Prowse said... Reply To This Comment

Nothing like an amazing new jogging stroller to help get you motivated. I need to do the same, it's so easy to become unmotivated. I need to continue jogging, I love it but just haven't wanted to get outside lately.

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