Week 6 Weigh In: First Goal Not In Sight #simmwlc

Where's that magic wand where we just wave it over the scale and it magically falls back in line with where we want to be at? 

While I have no hope at being where I want for BlogHer in a few weeks, I know that I'm going down the right way now. Hopefully with a little motivation, self control, and exercise, I'll continue this downward journey to a healthier, smaller me!

Weight Loss Progress
Starting Weight: 204 lbs 6/1/2012
Size 12/14
Current Weight: 202 lbs 7/13/2012
Size 14
Total to go: 47 lbs
Total lost: 2 lb
 First Post - The Beginning
Week 1: -1lb
Week 2: -2.2lbs 
Week 3: -0.4lbs 
Week 4: +4.4lbs :(
Week 5: -1.6lbs 
 Week 6: -1.2lbs

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