Meeting New People #NaBloPoMo

How do you feel about new people jumping into your life?

I for one absolutely LOVE meeting and interacting with new people. I've found that over the past few months I've been more social than I've been in a long time and the results have been wonderful. I've not only made new friends but great contacts as well.

Through my blogging I've come to meet wonderful and amazing companies and people behind those companies. I've also been able to meet and "meet" other bloggers as well. And I have to tell you, I'm excited about what's to come! The relationships I've been creating and cultivating have lead to some pretty awesome things.

For one, I am now part of a group of female bloggers called the Noise Girls. We work together to bring awesome events together for our readers. And we help promote the brands we love while doing it. Throughout creating and building these first few events we've come together to be more than just another blogging group. I really think that we are becoming good friends. Friends who can support and help one another grow and become better at what we're doing.

The second area I meet and find new people are the social events I go to. Namely SD Mom's Night Out events. I not only get to enjoy yummy food and drink wine with friends, I also get to 'network in disguise' with other moms who are looking to build relationships. This can be as simple as finding a great playgroup or even lead to business relationships. Interested? Check out the latest SD Mom's Night Out Fitness Event here.

And, of course, I cannot forget my playgroup! The ladies I've come to know, and those I'm still getting to know, have become somewhat of a constant in my life. People I can depend on and turn to. And I love how easy it's been to fall into these great symbiotic friendships. Not only do we get together for the kids, but we get together for each other too! And the talk isn't just about our kids (which usually happens), its about our lives and our personalities as well.

New people seem to jump into my life all time time. For the most part it's been a great thing. I find myself growing, learning, and enjoying things that I might not have had experience with had I not met these wonderful people.

How do you feel about new people jumping into your life?

4 comment(s) with love:

Mama Luvs Books said... Reply To This Comment

I love meeting new people all the time! Most people have so much to offer and you can always give something back to them too!

Allyson Bossie said... Reply To This Comment

I love meeting new people, and have rarely met a stranger (that blogger chatty cathy curse :) I know some people that it is hard for though

Jess and the boys said... Reply To This Comment

I just love meeting new people! :) I'm not an organizer for the local meetup group up here and it's definitely what I fit right into! :)

Carolyn M said... Reply To This Comment

I love meeting new people and especially people with similar interests but to tell you the truth, I am just as happy with my husband doing all the fun things we get to do together now that he's retired. I'm physically limited in what I can do so he's always real helpful with things that we do together!