What's better than baseball on Labor Day Weekend?

Joseph and I are lucky enough to be invited once or twice a year to attend a ballgame with Joseph's brother, Jeremy. This year they asked if we wanted to come join them while they also took Carsyn & Kenna. I knew E would have a great time as long as he napped before hand so we agreed to meet them over there. We even got free parking out of it :) So lucky.

Well... E had other plans. He decided he didn't want to take a nap before we left so we made the decision to leave for the game a bit early in hopes that he'd fall asleep at the ballpark. We got there, found our seats and ordered some lunch. Joseph got E some popcorn and a soft pretzel, he got himself a hot dog and I got a grilled chicken sandwich. E was pretty hungry because on top of the pretzel he ate about 1/3 of Daddy's hot dog.

Than he started moving on to the popcorn...

Hey ma!!

Cousin Aaron & Aunt Julia

Cute family!

Serious ballgame watchers

Mmmmm! How much can I shove in my mouth at once?

Carsyn & Kenna chatting about the game

A semi-group shot

Can you guess what was his favorite part of the game??

Oh, and since it was Kids Day we got a free plastic bat and ball for E! He'll have a great time playing with that. And the nap status... he didn't take one until the second we put him in his carseat for the ride home. And he was in a great mood the whole game! Score for us :)

A picture of the cousins right before we left (Pads were winning but as we left the stadium we heard the Rockies get two runs in...)

And a family shot... who does E look like now?

1 comment(s) with love:

J Rodney said... Reply To This Comment

What a wonderful way to spend some great family time.

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