Expanding Our Sign Vocabulary

I've been signing to him since he was 6 months old and the only real signs he picked up and used were all done (which he never uses anymore) and milk for nurse. But since E has become more verbal he has also started using and picking up a LOT more signs. A few of his newest signs are Whale and Please. He's also starting to try and sign thank you by just placing his hand over his mouth :)

I'm excited to see him start to sign more and it's fascinating to watch. He usually will sign and say the word he's signing instead of just signing it. It's almost as if he has to know how to say the word in order to try to sign it. Much different than I was expecting but he's learning non-the-less. I think that signing songs to him is what really helped him. We go to a Signing Story Time class every month hosted by Joann at Sign4Baby and she has taught us some wonderful signs to use when reading books as well as when singing our favorite Hullabaloo songs! So when we're in the car (and stopped... sometimes) I'll sign along with the song so E sees that the words in the song correspond with the signs I'm doing.

I can't wait to teach him the alphabet and more complex signs as he gets older!

E Signing More

E's version

ASL version

E Signing Whale

E's Version

ASL Version

E Signing Please

E's Version

ASL Version


1 comment(s) with love:

J Rodney said... Reply To This Comment

That is so cool, and what a proud mom you must be. Seriously, I'm sure it must have taken a lot of patience and persistence.

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