
28 Weeks!

Well folks... I've made it to 28 weeks :) Baby is more active, my stomach won't stop growing and I now have more stretch marks...

Ok, ok. They aren't really that big from this angle but I have about 6-8 1-2" stretch marks on either side of my belly button. Quite flattering and sexy. But my body knows what it's doing, right? And I need the battle scars to prove what I'm going through.

Enough about the pregnancy for now... I wanted to share a bit of news I'm not sure I've shared before. We're currently in the process of remodeling our kitchen. It's coming along... slowly. But it is progressing. We have demolished the uppers, cut our wall in half and are going to demolish the lower cabinets and remove the floor today. I am working in a makeshift kitchen in two rooms of the house, the garage and the living/dining area.

We have a sink and countertop in the garage that I'm currently using my crockpot at for dinners...

And we have our fridge and microwave in the living/dining area along with all of our other kitchen knick knacks that didn't make it out to the garage yet...

I'll post pictures of the before, during and after shortly. I have most of them on my laptop and I'm on the desktop right now. Thank goodness I'm pregnant or else I'd have to help haul all of this stuff around. I'm sticking to the lightweight lifting and the cleaning :)

1 comment(s) with love:

Amanda said... Reply To This Comment

Wow, that looks like a lot of work! OMG your belly is so cute! How exciting!