Jumping In #NaBloPoMo

When you hear the word jump what comes to mind?

When I hear jump I hear of what I've jumped into. School, friendships, marriage, kids. I almost never think too much about what I'm jumping into before I actual take the leap.

When I started researching colleges I had grand plans of moving away, living the college life, and getting my education. Then I realized how expensive that all would be and decided to jump to a new plan. Community college with plans to transfer to a 4 year university after getting my associates. I would go to UCSD without having to have the stellar grades out of high school and without the hefty bill for the first two years.

Then I couldn't pass calculus. Twice. Seriously, one math class and UCSD was done, out the window. So I jumped to a new college. SDSU.

In many of the friendships I've created I haven't had that awkward stage where I wasn't sure if I should share this or that about my life with the other person. If I could talk with ease about anything and (almost) everything then I knew I found a great match and the start of a friendship.

I'm sure many who know me can say without a doubt that I'm pretty open. I have no problem sharing. And jumping right into a friendship is pretty easy for me. I do wear my emotions and my heart on my sleeve, as they say, so sometimes my lack of caution can cause me a bit of pain every once in a while.

And as I've jumped into friendships with my female friends, I also jumped into a friendship with my husband in the same way. From acquaintances one day to best friends the next. By the end of the year we were dating and then made things official. Jumping into my relationship with him felt as natural as breathing.

Once we were married we knew we wanted to start a family. We knew we weren't quite ready. We planned to wait a bit until jumping in and trying to conceive. But God had other plans for us and two months after the wedding we got pregnant.

Sadly that pregnancy turned to a miscarriage. It felt as if jumping into parenthood wasn't for us at the time. But we'd soon be pleasantly surprised not once, but twice with our beautiful children. Without trying we had to jump into the idea of being parents. The joys, the fears, the excitement.

Jumping into relationships, roles, and partnerships has come naturally. I look forward to what I'll jump into next and where the friendships and relationships I make will take me.

When you hear the word jump what comes to mind?

3 comment(s) with love:

Mariah @ FormulaMom.com said... Reply To This Comment

Jump makes me think of the pool! I think I have summer on the brain! Of course the fact that it is in the mid 90s here could have something to do with it!

Darcy said... Reply To This Comment

Jump ... what goes up must come down ;P Jump into - It makes me think of taking risks.

Krystle said... Reply To This Comment

I also ended up jumping into a college that was not right for me at all.
However, I ended up in the right place in the end. Thanks for sharing sometimes it feels like i'm the only person who did this!