Juppy Baby Walker {#12DaysGalore @TheJuppyWalker Sponsor Spotlight}

Introducing the Juppy Baby Walker...

An alternative to dangerous wheeled baby walkers that eliminates the stress and strain on the parents back while the baby safely learns to walk. When I first received my Juppy Baby walker I was excited to try it. My daughter, then 10 months, had been cruising for a few weeks and was very interested in walking. She had taken a few small steps and I wasn't quite sure how quickly she'd start walking. So as soon as I received the Juppy I put it on her and let her practice walking out front.

The first thing I noticed when using the Juppy was that it wasn't like the other baby walker I used for my son. The Juppy didn't simply wrap around the child's body under their arms, the child could actually sit in it and no stress is put on the baby's arms. The product I was used to simply wrapped around the child's torso and when the baby dropped to the floor pressure from the straps were applied to the back of their arms/armpits. I loved how easy it was to hold onto the straps and guide my daughter forward without having to hold her hands or worry that she'd slip out of the walker.

Now sadly my daughter started walking on her own only a week after we received the Juppy baby walker and I wasn't able to get any pictures of her in action. She flat out refused any help from us once she started taking steps and has proven to be a very independent, strong headed little girl. I did, however loan the Juppy to a friend who was able to try out the product for longer than the week I used it for.

Her daughter also enjoyed using it and it helped aid the bridge between cruising and walking. Her daughter, being a bit more cautious than mine, used the Juppy for about a month before venturing out on her own with no support. She finally realized that she had been doing it on her own the whole time and didn't need help anymore! Success! And that's what this product is about. Teaching your child that they can do it on their own without your help. And once they figure that out, they just take off.

I loved using this product as a stepping stone for my child's walking success and would recommend it to any of my mama friends who are looking for a way to encourage their child to let go of their finger and walk. Especially when that child is just barely holding on.

Juppy was kind enough to be one of my sponsors for the 12 Days of Gifts Galore event I participated in this past December and I can't thank them enough for being a part of this awesome giveaway hop. I apologize for the delay in getting this review posted however without first hand use of the product I didn't feel comfortable giving a review until I could see it in action for more than a week.

If you're interested in purchasing a Juppy Baby Walker you can buy them from their website or from Amazon.com. Please check out their facebook and twitter pages as well to stay up to date on all of the Juppy happenings as well as get information on upcoming sales!

Disclaimer: I received a Juppy baby walker for review purposes only. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

5 comment(s) with love:

Queentob said... Reply To This Comment

Looks like it would save all the strain practicing walkers put on the back! I also think this would encourage some people to continue to practice walking skills while away from home.

Ashley @MamaOfAllTrades said... Reply To This Comment

I've never seen these before. Very interesting! I love the concept for sure.

tonyknuckles said... Reply To This Comment

looks like fun

Carrie with Children said... Reply To This Comment

This looks like a really neat product. Perfect for moms!

Emily - faliLV said... Reply To This Comment

Looks perfect for tall moms like me!