Welcome to the ALL FOR LOVE EVENT hosted by Real Mom Reviews and Mama Chocolate! This event features 56 blogs each with $25 or more in prizes in each package.
One lucky reader of this blog will receive the following:
A small Valentine's gift basket from The Sweets Fairy Bakeshop that contains 2 cake pops, 1 chocolate covered oreo w/ heart, 2 chocolate covered pretzels, & 2 small heart shaped decorated sugar cookies
(retailing at $16)
Be sure to go through the linky below and enter each of the giveaways from the other 55 participating blogs for your chance to win big this Valentine's Day! This event will close on February 7th at Midnight EST. Good Luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Please note that Real Mom Reviews, Mama Chocolate, “All for Love,” or the “All for Love” bloggers are not responsible for sponsors that do not fulfill their prizes. We have represented each sponsor with the expectation they will fulfill their prize and in a timely manner. We will contact the sponsor regarding your prize(s). The sponsors, in most cases, are shipping their items to you directly. We will make every effort to assist you obtaining your prize. If there is an issue with a sponsor, please notify the blog you won a prize from within 30 days for assistance, after that we may be unable to assist you.

63 comment(s) with love:
We will probably just go out to eat dinner.
No plans yet except a Valentine's potluck at our church on the 12th. In our effort to save money, we will probably eat in. I'll have to be creative!
Hopefully going out to dinner and to see the Vow.
Not doing anything special.
jednc @ hotmail .com
We are going out to dinner
s2s2 at comcast dot net
Going out to dinner.
I am newly single, so I will enjoy this year with my kiddos!
Stephanie O
shuttermom77 at gmail dot com
We plan for a quiet evening at home.
We have no special plans other than a little hearts and red/pink dinner.
My fiance and I are going to dinner and renting a movie :)
I'm not entering your giveaway because if we have those sweets around I'll eat them! ;-) I just wanted you to know that your header pictures is ADORABLE!!
We will probably just watch a movie with the kids and maybe play some board games. (Corey Olomon)(olomon@hotmail.com)
Nope, no special plans for V-day.
haven't planned anything - yet!:)
I will probably have a nice quiet night in with my boys!
Since I'm in the process of a divorce, more than likely will just stay at home with the kids.
We are just going to have a nice dinner at home.
nice romantic dinner
taking my mother to a spa for the day
ashlee lewis walls
No plans yet!
nothing yet
Hopefully going out to dinner with my boyfriend.
spending time with my three little girls :)
Kisa Johnson @ Kisarune@msn.com
I am going to be giving my fiance some things as a surprise. He gets to come home the day before Valentines!
Nope. Valentine's Day is my brother-in-law's birthday so it kinda gets forgotten.
Not sure yet--my husband always has a surprise of some kind for me--last year roses, a card, breakfast in bed...I really don't know how he is going to top that.lol-- but its always something different than the year before
Going to movies and dinner with my fiace
I will make a family dinner with a special desert. Thanks
Carolwegs at gmail.com
no special plans
twitted this
nothing special, just dinner out
I tried to leave answer to number one but it would not take it.
So for 1
name Pam Sims
email BusyTennesseeMom@charter.net
Nothing that I'm aware of yet :/
Nothing special at all! :) Every day is great here. Newest follower and I've made sure we are connected in as many ways as possible. Also, fellow All For Love participant, so hop on over and enter!! :)
Michelle Macaluso
there was no space on the rafflecopter for this
I'm going to dinner with my hubby
actually, no. my husband has to work very late that day
We have no plans...we'll have to play it by ear!
artist.alanna at gmail.com
No plans
My fiance and I are going to a nice restaurant for dinner unless he has something planned that I don't know about. Thanks for the giveaway!!
I'm just making a nice dinner and dessert.
Dominique (Nikki Marie on rafflecopter)
couponcookie at gmail dot com
We will probably go out during the week after to avoid crowds :-)
(Johanna Conser)
Not doing anything special
We don't have any special plans for Valentine's day. I'm probably make a red themed dinner for my husband and daughter.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
We're going out to dinner and then coming home for a movie.
bubsgizmocontest at gmail dot com
Im gonna take my 3 little boys out to dinner :)
Thank you
Just a nice dinner and dessert at home. Restaurants are chaos on V-day.
Nah I gotta work 2-10pm :-(
I entered
Sherry Turner
Maybe dinner or takeout then some time with our sons. Hopefully a movie and a drink after we get the kids to sleep!
Not doing anything special, just hanging w/the man.
All I have planned is getting flowers for my little girls.
Nice giveaway. Thanks. No, I'm not doing anything special for Valentine's day.
fromfurrin at gmail dot com
dinner and a movie
I give the kids a little gift and hubby and I exchange gifts and then we all go out to dinner.
A quiet dinner, a glass of wine and...
No plans.
Thanks for the contest.
Nope. Nothing special. I'll be lucky if my husband remembers it's Valentine's Day.
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