Belly Buttons and Losing Weight

It's like a routine. Every morning we are woken up by my son demanding milk. Then my daughter wakes up because of my son. Right away she rolls over from her back and pops up onto her knees with her hands on my stomach. Shortly after she pops up she starts digging around. For what, you ask? Well my belly button of course. I have NO idea why but she is fascinated. And even though she's only 10 months old and has NO idea, I'm self conscious of her digging. Her little fingers just make me feel so jiggly and I wish I weren't.

Her poking and prodding is just natural. Her brother did the same thing. Although he wasn't as persistent. He was more persistent with grabbing inside my shirt but that's another post in and of itself. I just don't like it. I don't like feeling as if my daughter can get sucked up by my belly at any moment (isn't that a great visual for you?). So this feeling prompted me to jump back on the Weight Watchers train.

For some reason right before we left for Hawaii (I know I've COMPLETELY forgotten to write about our experience... it's coming, I promise) I got lazy about tracking. Then I got lazy about going to the gym. And it continued throughout vacation. I tried to stay on plan and eat healthy but a cookie or macadamia nut cluster would get in the way. And after we got back from vacation we were in such an adjustment phase that I told myself I didn't have time to get back in the groove of the gym and tracking amongst other things. I made excuses and let things get in the way of my weight loss success.

So I am finally back on track. As of Wednesday I've logged in all of my points and have even made it to the gym twice. I also started a new class... spin. I almost quit twice while in class but I stuck it out. And I feel great about doing so. I feel better about myself and my future weight loss success. If I put my health in front of other things I might just make it to goal. Now I'm not giving up much by jumping back in, a playdate here, a lunch meet up there, so it really is in my best interest to stick with it and finally see success.

Maybe in a month I should post again about what I've done to stay on track and what my goals are for the next month. Small baby steps, right? And if you don't hear from me please bug me to report back! And maybe I'll get brave and start to post pictures for motivation... maybe.

Are you trying to become a more fit you? Are you trying to get healthier? I'd love to hear about it! Partnering up and holding each other accountable might be a great way to stay on plan.

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