Dear M: Eight Months Old

Little Miss M,

You are such a joy! Month after month you change and you grow. You are starting to become your own little person and you are finding your voice in this family. I love watching you learn new skills and get excited about new things. You love watching and interacting with everyone around you and make everyone who meets you smile.

What's outside?

This past weekend right before you turned 8 months old (on Sunday) you went with me to BlogHer'11. Because you hadn't yet successfully taken a full bottle I was worried that you wouldn't be happy with Daddy at home or at the daycare center they set up at the event. So I grabbed the Ergo and the diaper bag and went to the conference with you. You were such a little trooper! You never once complained. But that might have been because everyone who met you wanted to talk to you and play with you. You were spoiled with love and affection.

During the conference you learned how to wave! I was so surprised to see you wave back to Jessica after she waved hello to you. Then you started to wave back to others who waved to you as well including vendors on the Expo floor, other blogging women and anyone else who we passed by. I was so proud of my little girl and her new skill.

"Crawling" outside (in her new Charlie Banana diaper)
A few short days after the conference you also started crawling! And you did/do it a bit differently than we saw your brother do it. You kind of hobble crawl and it's so adorable! I'll be posting video soon so everyone can see the cuteness. But you get to where you want to go. And if you get stuck you just let us know that we need to come get you!

I love how easy going you are and how happy you act no matter where you are or who you are with. I am enjoying being your mom so much and am really loving how much we have bonded over the past few months. I cannot wait to see what kind of woman you become because right now you are one awesome baby! I love you, little girl.


No, Mommy, I don't sleep here... I just play here!

Whaaa? (in your adorable new Bitti Tutto diaper)
*** If you haven't already entered, check out my Charlie Banana giveaway and win a Charlie Banana diaper that looks exactly like M's in the picture above! ***

1 comment(s) with love:

Amanda said... Reply To This Comment

She is so beautiful! She makes me wish that I have another baby girl :)