Earth Mama Angel Baby Booby Tubes Review

So about two weeks ago I entered a Facebook giveaway on Earth Mama Angel Baby's Facebook page. It was for a pair of Booby Tubes® and you had to answer this question:

How do you know you have (mastitis), and what should you do immediately?

I did a simple Google search to confirm what I already knew about this nasty infection and simply answered in the comments of the post. Here's my answer:

Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast usually due to a bacterial infection. Not fun at all! Luckily I only experienced the painful burn of thrush (yeast infection) and after a few days of using a vaginal yeast cream (yes, on my boobs!) it cleared up.

With mastitis you can reduce pain by switching from hot to cold compresses, massaging the breast while breastfeeding, and taking warm showers. After trying all of this and still being in pain you should see a doctor to see if an antibiotic is what's needed.

A day later I was contacted by EMAB and told I won!! How exciting is that? Now I've been trying to enter giveaways on various blogs for months now with no luck (I have, however, won a few on my cooking blog in the past including a kitchen aid blender!!). If I knew I should focus on Facebook giveaways I would have started sooner :)

I do have to say that since winning this giveaway I have won one other giveaway on my friend, Jessica's blog. And I cannot wait to review the books I won.

Now onto the fun stuff... the Booby Tubes®. Below is a picture of the cutest packaging idea EVER! If EJ & Ellabird ever takes off (and if I put more effort into making an inventory and stocking up on product) than I'm definitely going to invest in a stamp for all my packaging.

And here is the cute packaging on the Booby Tubes® and packing label... CUTE!

Now I am not having any problems with thrush, mastitis, or over-engorgement right now. The only thing paining me is the constant tenderness brought on by this pregnancy (a tenderness that went away along with the nausea at 11 weeks with my first child). So I decided to just test these out because I was so excited to have received them.

I put them in the freezer first and waited until they were cold (not completely frozen) and tried them out. I loved how soft they felt even when cold. I put them in for a few minutes after having aching boobs for most of the day and felt relief afterward. Now you can freeze them all the way and on the package it says to store in the freezer and wear inside your bra between feedings but I didn't want to freeze the boobies if they didn't need it :)

You can also use them warm. There's two different ways to warm up your Booby Tubes®. You can microwave them for 20-40 seconds (always testing the temperature since microwave settings vary) or you can preheat your oven to the lowest setting and place in an oven safe dish away from the heating element for 10-15 minutes.

I love the second option for warming! I use my oven quite often and would love to use this as a way of pre-heating for dinner and getting the benefit of the warm Booby Tubes®.

Using your Booby Tubes® cool helps reduce swelling and tenderness of engorgement and comforts breasts during weaning. And using them warm helps encourage milk flow, helps prevent clogged milk ducts and encourages let down. It can also aid in the healing of infection or mastitis.

An added bonus is that this product is a reusable and therefore in my eyes a "green" product. No throwing away the product after a few uses like the cooling relief gel packs that other brands carry. It has an organic cotton shell and is filled with flax seeds. And I didn't ask Earth Mama Angel Baby but I'm sure it'll last for quite a long time with proper use and care. And my husband loves the fact that they're made in the USA in a fair trade factory.

Now I know this isn't a complete review since I'm breastfeeding an 18 month old and really don't have many aches and pains in the boob area nor do I need help with let down so once I have baby girl I'll do a follow up post to let you know how these work when really needed!

All in all I love the product and would probably give it a 10 out of 10 if asked to rate it.

Disclaimer: This is my 100% honest opinion and may differ from yours. No monetary compensation was received by me for this review nor was I asked by Earth Mama Angel Baby to review this product. I am only reviewing it as a thank you to Earth Mama Angel Baby for their generous giveaways and a way to spread the word on products for my other momma friends.

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