(Almost) 16 Weeks Along

I've been pretty bad about blogging about this next child so far... And I apologize for that but E has been keeping me quite busy over the past few months. I've been pretty bad at taking pictures this pregnancy... I think I have one at 5 weeks from Easter, one at 6 weeks and than again another at 9 weeks. Well I was going to take one at 12 weeks but completely forgot so I made sure to have Joseph take a picture of me last Sunday when we went to the beach. Here I am at 15 weeks and 1 day.

Once I got past the first trimester (around week 13) the nausea subsided and my energy came back. Every once in a while I get a little bit of nausea and sometimes I still find myself falling asleep with E but for the most part I feel like my normal self.

I'm still breastfeeding E and so far have only gained 2 pounds this pregnancy. This feels good because during my last pregnancy I was already up 7+ pounds by 16 weeks. I'm not breastfeeding to reduce weight gain... E just isn't ready to give it up yet and I'm not going to force him to stop nursing. If that means tandem nursing than we'll give it a try.

I feel like I'm getting bigger but looking at a picture of me at 6 weeks and than at the pictures from Sunday I'm not sure I am getting bigger. I guess the bloat has just been permanently replaced by a baby belly. It's pretty nice to be pregnant right now. One of the main reasons being that I can indulge in a few things I wouldn't normally indulge in... like the fair food! This will be another post but E and I had a blast last Tuesday at the Del Mar Fair (oops... I mean the San Diego County Fair). We took advantage of $2 Taste of the Fair Tuesdays and saw lots of animals!

Back to the pregnancy... I have my 16 week appointment on the 22nd (same day E turns 16 months!) and will update if anything new arises.

3 comment(s) with love:

Miranda said... Reply To This Comment

I've beeen eagerly anticipating these belly shots! So glad to hear that everything is going well. Love you, tandem nursing Mommmy!!!


Ann said... Reply To This Comment

You look great, Danielle!

Tammy said... Reply To This Comment

You look like you've lost alot of weight and now just have a baby "pooch"