
E's New Yoga Position

We went to a wedding for a friend of mine on Sunday and let E play a bit on the grass after the ceremony. E decided to show off his latest yoga moves...

First get on your hands and knees (sort of like you are crawling... but don't crawl!)

Swing one leg outward and than start moving your hands towards yourself...

Start lifting up like you're doing a push up

And freeze! Now hold it, hold it...

Not quite sure what E was trying to do. I'm taking bets on who thinks E is going to crawl next or get into the sitting position from his belly. What do you think?

And a shot of E with the beautiful bride...

2 comment(s) with love:

Tammy said... Reply To This Comment

Is that Meghan from Joan MacQueen?

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

No, Meghan is Miranda's best friend from junior high... You might have met her once or twice though.