Now onto his stats... he's 20lbs 2.5in (88th %tile) and 28in long (92nd %tile). When the nurse first read his weight (I wasn't looking at the time... Joseph was with E at the scale) I thought she said 22.5 lbs and I was freaking on the inside... That would have been 5 lbs from his 4 month appointment and I knew he couldn't have grown THAT much.
She than corrected herself and said 20 pounds 2.5 ounces. I breathed a sigh of relief and she noticed so I explained what I thought I heard. She laughed and than proceeded to measure him at 30 inches long to freak me out a bit more. We re-measured and settled at a less alarming 28 inches

He's healthy, happy and ready for more solids. She said we could start doing 2-3 meals a day. Since we're just starting to do two I don't think I'll add a third meal for a bit longer (until he shows signs he's more hungry). She also said she really doesn't want to limit us to what we start with at which month. She wants us to start greens as soon as possible so we don't have a problem with him refusing them later. So on to green beans and peas it is!
1 comment(s) with love:
wow...his 25 month old cousin weighs 27 pounds!!!
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